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PHP Cross Reference of Unnamed Project





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Fileattachments.php       [source] [175 lines]   acp_attachments [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileban.php               [source] [86 lines]    acp_ban [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileboard.php             [source] [551 lines]   acp_board [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filebots.php              [source] [74 lines]    acp_bots [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filecommon.php            [source] [753 lines]   acp_common [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filedatabase.php          [source] [78 lines]    acp_database [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileemail.php             [source] [70 lines]    acp_email [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileforums.php            [source] [161 lines]   acp_forums [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filegroups.php            [source] [133 lines]   acp_groups [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileindex.htm             [source] [10 lines]    
Filelanguage.php          [source] [104 lines]   acp_language [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filemodules.php           [source] [85 lines]    acp_modules [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filepermissions.php       [source] [290 lines]   acp_permissions [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filepermissions_phpbb.php [source] [243 lines]   acp_permissions (phpBB Permission Set) [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileposting.php           [source] [283 lines]   posting [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileprofile.php           [source] [159 lines]   acp_profile [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileprune.php             [source] [92 lines]    acp_prune [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filesearch.php            [source] [110 lines]   acp_search [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Filestyles.php            [source] [440 lines]   acp_styles [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz
Fileusers.php             [source] [144 lines]   acp_users [Standard french] translated originally by PhpBB-fr.com and phpBB.biz

Generated: Wed Oct 2 15:03:47 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1