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PHP Cross Reference of Unnamed Project




/install/convertors/ -> convert_phpbb20.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3  *
   4  * @package install
   5  * @version $Id$
   6  * @copyright (c) 2006 phpBB Group
   7  * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
   8  *
   9  */
  11  /**
  12  * NOTE to potential convertor authors. Please use this file to get
  13  * familiar with the structure since we added some bare explanations here.
  14  *
  15  * Since this file gets included more than once on one page you are not able to add functions to it.
  16  * Instead use a functions_ file.
  17  *
  18  * @ignore
  19  */
  20  if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
  21  {
  22      exit;
  23  }
  25  include($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx);
  26  unset($dbpasswd);
  28  /**
  29  * $convertor_data provides some basic information about this convertor which is
  30  * used on the initial list of convertors and to populate the default settings
  31  */
  32  $convertor_data = array(
  33      'forum_name'    => 'phpBB 2.0.x',
  34      'version'        => '1.0.3',
  35      'phpbb_version'    => '3.0.12',
  36      'author'        => '<a href="https://www.phpbb.com/">phpBB Group</a>',
  37      'dbms'            => $dbms,
  38      'dbhost'        => $dbhost,
  39      'dbport'        => $dbport,
  40      'dbuser'        => $dbuser,
  41      'dbpasswd'        => '',
  42      'dbname'        => $dbname,
  43      'table_prefix'    => 'phpbb_',
  44      'forum_path'    => '../forums',
  45      'author_notes'    => '',
  46  );
  48  /**
  49  * $tables is a list of the tables (minus prefix) which we expect to find in the
  50  * source forum. It is used to guess the prefix if the specified prefix is incorrect
  51  */
  52  $tables = array(
  53      'auth_access',
  54      'banlist',
  55      'categories',
  56      'disallow',
  57      'forum_prune',
  58      'forums',
  59      'groups',
  60      'posts',
  61      'posts_text',
  62      'privmsgs',
  63      'privmsgs_text',
  64      'ranks',
  65      'smilies',
  66      'topics',
  67      'topics_watch',
  68      'user_group',
  69      'users',
  70      'vote_desc',
  71      'vote_results',
  72      'vote_voters',
  73      'words'
  74  );
  76  /**
  77  * $config_schema details how the board configuration information is stored in the source forum.
  78  *
  79  * 'table_format' can take the value 'file' to indicate a config file. In this case array_name
  80  * is set to indicate the name of the array the config values are stored in
  81  * Example of using a file:
  82  * $config_schema = array(
  83  *     'table_format'    =>    'file',
  84  *     'filename'    =>    'NAME OF FILE', // If the file is not in the root directory, the path needs to be added with no leading slash
  85  *     'array_name' => 'NAME OF ARRAY', // Only used if the configuration file stores the setting in an array.
  86  *     'settings'        =>    array(
  87  *        'board_email' => 'SUPPORT_EMAIL', // target config name => source target name
  88  *     )
  89  * );
  90  * 'table_format' can be an array if the values are stored in a table which is an assosciative array
  91  * (as per phpBB 2.0.x)
  92  * If left empty, values are assumed to be stored in a table where each config setting is
  93  * a column (as per phpBB 1.x)
  94  *
  95  * In either of the latter cases 'table_name' indicates the name of the table in the database
  96  *
  97  * 'settings' is an array which maps the name of the config directive in the source forum
  98  * to the config directive in phpBB3. It can either be a direct mapping or use a function.
  99  * Please note that the contents of the old config value are passed to the function, therefore
 100  * an in-built function requiring the variable passed by reference is not able to be used. Since
 101  * empty() is such a function we created the function is_empty() to be used instead.
 102  */
 103  $config_schema = array(
 104      'table_name'    =>    'config',
 105      'table_format'    =>    array('config_name' => 'config_value'),
 106      'settings'        =>    array(
 107          'allow_bbcode'            => 'allow_bbcode',
 108          'allow_smilies'            => 'allow_smilies',
 109          'allow_sig'                => 'allow_sig',
 110          'allow_namechange'        => 'allow_namechange',
 111          'allow_avatar_local'    => 'allow_avatar_local',
 112          'allow_avatar_remote'    => 'allow_avatar_remote',
 113          'allow_avatar_upload'    => 'allow_avatar_upload',
 114          'board_disable'            => 'board_disable',
 115          'sitename'                => 'phpbb_set_encoding(sitename)',
 116          'site_desc'                => 'phpbb_set_encoding(site_desc)',
 117          'session_length'        => 'session_length',
 118          'board_email_sig'        => 'phpbb_set_encoding(board_email_sig)',
 119          'posts_per_page'        => 'posts_per_page',
 120          'topics_per_page'        => 'topics_per_page',
 121          'enable_confirm'        => 'enable_confirm',
 122          'board_email_form'        => 'board_email_form',
 123          'override_user_style'    => 'override_user_style',
 124          'hot_threshold'            => 'hot_threshold',
 125          'max_poll_options'        => 'max_poll_options',
 126          'max_sig_chars'            => 'max_sig_chars',
 127          'pm_max_msgs'            => 'max_inbox_privmsgs',
 128          'smtp_delivery'            => 'smtp_delivery',
 129          'smtp_host'                => 'smtp_host',
 130          'smtp_username'            => 'smtp_username',
 131          'smtp_password'            => 'smtp_password',
 132          'require_activation'    => 'require_activation',
 133          'flood_interval'        => 'flood_interval',
 134          'avatar_filesize'        => 'avatar_filesize',
 135          'avatar_max_width'        => 'avatar_max_width',
 136          'avatar_max_height'        => 'avatar_max_height',
 137          'default_dateformat'    => 'phpbb_set_encoding(default_dateformat)',
 138          'board_timezone'        => 'board_timezone',
 139          'allow_privmsg'            => 'not(privmsg_disable)',
 140          'gzip_compress'            => 'gzip_compress',
 141          'coppa_enable'            => '!is_empty(coppa_mail)',
 142          'coppa_fax'                => 'coppa_fax',
 143          'coppa_mail'            => 'coppa_mail',
 144          'record_online_users'    => 'record_online_users',
 145          'record_online_date'    => 'record_online_date',
 146          'board_startdate'        => 'board_startdate',
 147      )
 148  );
 150  /**
 151  * $test_file is the name of a file which is present on the source
 152  * forum which can be used to check that the path specified by the
 153  * user was correct
 154  */
 155  $test_file = 'modcp.php';
 157  /**
 158  * If this is set then we are not generating the first page of information but getting the conversion information.
 159  */
 160  if (!$get_info)
 161  {
 162      // Test to see if the birthday MOD is installed on the source forum
 163      // Niels' birthday mod
 164      if (get_config_value('birthday_required') !== false || get_config_value('bday_require') !== false)
 165      {
 166          define('MOD_BIRTHDAY', true);
 167      }
 169      // TerraFrost's validated birthday mod
 170      if (get_config_value('bday_require') !== false)
 171      {
 172          define('MOD_BIRTHDAY_TERRA', true);
 173      }
 175      // Test to see if the attachment MOD is installed on the source forum
 176      // If it is, we will convert this data as well
 177      $src_db->sql_return_on_error(true);
 179      $sql = "SELECT config_value
 180          FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}attachments_config
 181          WHERE config_name = 'upload_dir'";
 182      $result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);
 184      if ($result && $row = $src_db->sql_fetchrow($result))
 185      {
 186          // Here the constant is defined
 187          define('MOD_ATTACHMENT', true);
 189          // Here i add more tables to be checked in the old forum
 190          $tables += array(
 191              'attachments',
 192              'attachments_desc',
 193              'extensions',
 194              'extension_groups'
 195          );
 197          $src_db->sql_freeresult($result);
 198      }
 199      else if ($result)
 200      {
 201          $src_db->sql_freeresult($result);
 202      }
 205      /**
 206      * Tests for further MODs can be included here.
 207      * Please use constants for this, prefixing them with MOD_
 208      */
 210      $src_db->sql_return_on_error(false);
 212      // Now let us set a temporary config variable for user id incrementing
 213      $sql = "SELECT user_id
 214          FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}users
 215          WHERE user_id = 1";
 216      $result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);
 217      $user_id = (int) $src_db->sql_fetchfield('user_id');
 218      $src_db->sql_freeresult($result);
 220      // If there is a user id 1, we need to increment user ids. :/
 221      if ($user_id === 1)
 222      {
 223          // Try to get the maximum user id possible...
 224          $sql = "SELECT MAX(user_id) AS max_user_id
 225              FROM {$convert->src_table_prefix}users";
 226          $result = $src_db->sql_query($sql);
 227          $user_id = (int) $src_db->sql_fetchfield('max_user_id');
 228          $src_db->sql_freeresult($result);
 230          set_config('increment_user_id', ($user_id + 1), true);
 231      }
 232      else
 233      {
 234          set_config('increment_user_id', 0, true);
 235      }
 237      // Overwrite maximum avatar width/height
 238      @define('DEFAULT_AVATAR_X_CUSTOM', get_config_value('avatar_max_width'));
 239      @define('DEFAULT_AVATAR_Y_CUSTOM', get_config_value('avatar_max_height'));
 241      // additional table used only during conversion
 242      @define('USERCONV_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'userconv');
 244  /**
 245  *    Description on how to use the convertor framework.
 246  *
 247  *    'schema' Syntax Description
 248  *        -> 'target'            => Target Table. If not specified the next table will be handled
 249  *        -> 'primary'        => Primary Key. If this is specified then this table is processed in batches
 250  *        -> 'query_first'    => array('target' or 'src', Query to execute before beginning the process
 251  *                                (if more than one then specified as array))
 252  *        -> 'function_first'    => Function to execute before beginning the process (if more than one then specified as array)
 253  *                                (This is mostly useful if variables need to be given to the converting process)
 254  *        -> 'test_file'        => This is not used at the moment but should be filled with a file from the old installation
 255  *
 256  *        // DB Functions
 257  *        'distinct'    => Add DISTINCT to the select query
 258  *        'where'        => Add WHERE to the select query
 259  *        'group_by'    => Add GROUP BY to the select query
 260  *        'left_join'    => Add LEFT JOIN to the select query (if more than one joins specified as array)
 261  *        'having'    => Add HAVING to the select query
 262  *
 263  *        // DB INSERT array
 264  *        This one consist of three parameters
 265  *        First Parameter:
 266  *                            The key need to be filled within the target table
 267  *                            If this is empty, the target table gets not assigned the source value
 268  *        Second Parameter:
 269  *                            Source value. If the first parameter is specified, it will be assigned this value.
 270  *                            If the first parameter is empty, this only gets added to the select query
 271  *        Third Parameter:
 272  *                            Custom Function. Function to execute while storing source value into target table.
 273  *                            The functions return value get stored.
 274  *                            The function parameter consist of the value of the second parameter.
 275  *
 276  *                            types:
 277  *                                - empty string == execute nothing
 278  *                                - string == function to execute
 279  *                                - array == complex execution instructions
 280  *
 281  *        Complex execution instructions:
 282  *        @todo test complex execution instructions - in theory they will work fine
 283  *
 284  *                            By defining an array as the third parameter you are able to define some statements to be executed. The key
 285  *                            is defining what to execute, numbers can be appended...
 286  *
 287  *                            'function' => execute function
 288  *                            'execute' => run code, whereby all occurrences of {VALUE} get replaced by the last returned value.
 289  *                                        The result *must* be assigned/stored to {RESULT}.
 290  *                            'typecast'    => typecast value
 291  *
 292  *                            The returned variables will be made always available to the next function to continue to work with.
 293  *
 294  *                            example (variable inputted is an integer of 1):
 295  *
 296  *                            array(
 297  *                                'function1'        => 'increment_by_one',        // returned variable is 2
 298  *                                'typecast'        => 'string',                // typecast variable to be a string
 299  *                                'execute'        => '{RESULT} = {VALUE} . ' is good';', // returned variable is '2 is good'
 300  *                                'function2'        => 'replace_good_with_bad',                // returned variable is '2 is bad'
 301  *                            ),
 302  *
 303  */
 305      $convertor = array(
 306          'test_file'                => 'viewtopic.php',
 308          'avatar_path'            => get_config_value('avatar_path') . '/',
 309          'avatar_gallery_path'    => get_config_value('avatar_gallery_path') . '/',
 310          'smilies_path'            => get_config_value('smilies_path') . '/',
 311          'upload_path'            => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? phpbb_get_files_dir() . '/' : '',
 312          'thumbnails'            => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? array('thumbs/', 't_') : '',
 313          'ranks_path'            => false, // phpBB 2.0.x had no config value for a ranks path
 315          // We empty some tables to have clean data available
 316          'query_first'            => array(
 317              array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . SEARCH_RESULTS_TABLE),
 318              array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . SEARCH_WORDLIST_TABLE),
 319              array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . SEARCH_WORDMATCH_TABLE),
 320              array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . LOG_TABLE),
 321          ),
 323  //    with this you are able to import all attachment files on the fly. For large boards this is not an option, therefore commented out by default.
 324  //    Instead every file gets copied while processing the corresponding attachment entry.
 325  //        if (defined("MOD_ATTACHMENT")) { import_attachment_files(); phpbb_copy_thumbnails(); }
 327          // phpBB2 allowed some similar usernames to coexist which would have the same
 328          // username_clean in phpBB3 which is not possible, so we'll give the admin a list
 329          // of user ids and usernames and let him deicde what he wants to do with them
 330          'execute_first'    => '
 331              phpbb_create_userconv_table();
 332              import_avatar_gallery();
 333              if (defined("MOD_ATTACHMENT")) phpbb_import_attach_config();
 334              phpbb_insert_forums();
 335          ',
 337          'execute_last'    => array('
 338              add_bots();
 339          ', '
 340              update_folder_pm_count();
 341          ', '
 342              update_unread_count();
 343          ', '
 344              phpbb_convert_authentication(\'start\');
 345          ', '
 346              phpbb_convert_authentication(\'first\');
 347          ', '
 348              phpbb_convert_authentication(\'second\');
 349          ', '
 350              phpbb_convert_authentication(\'third\');
 351          '),
 353          'schema' => array(
 354              array(
 355                  'target'    => USERCONV_TABLE,
 356                  'query_first'   => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . USERCONV_TABLE),
 359                  array('user_id',            'users.user_id',     ''),
 360                  array('username_clean',        'users.username',    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function2' => 'utf8_clean_string')),
 361              ),
 363              array(
 364                  'target'        => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? ATTACHMENTS_TABLE : '',
 365                  'primary'        => 'attachments.attach_id',
 366                  'query_first'    => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE) : '',
 367                  'autoincrement'    => 'attach_id',
 369                  array('attach_id',                'attachments.attach_id',                ''),
 370                  array('post_msg_id',            'attachments.post_id',                    ''),
 371                  array('topic_id',                'posts.topic_id',                        ''),
 372                  array('in_message',                0,                                        ''),
 373                  array('is_orphan',                0,                                        ''),
 374                  array('poster_id',                'attachments.user_id_1 AS poster_id',    'phpbb_user_id'),
 375                  array('physical_filename',        'attachments_desc.physical_filename',    'import_attachment'),
 376                  array('real_filename',            'attachments_desc.real_filename',        'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 377                  array('download_count',            'attachments_desc.download_count',        ''),
 378                  array('attach_comment',            'attachments_desc.comment',                array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function2' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 379                  array('extension',                'attachments_desc.extension',            ''),
 380                  array('mimetype',                'attachments_desc.mimetype',            ''),
 381                  array('filesize',                'attachments_desc.filesize',            ''),
 382                  array('filetime',                'attachments_desc.filetime',            ''),
 383                  array('thumbnail',                'attachments_desc.thumbnail',            ''),
 385                  'where'            => 'attachments_desc.attach_id = attachments.attach_id AND attachments.privmsgs_id = 0 AND posts.post_id = attachments.post_id',
 386                  'group_by'        => 'attachments.attach_id'
 387              ),
 389              array(
 390                  'target'        => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? ATTACHMENTS_TABLE : '',
 391                  'primary'        => 'attachments.attach_id',
 392                  'autoincrement'    => 'attach_id',
 394                  array('attach_id',                'attachments.attach_id',                ''),
 395                  array('post_msg_id',            'attachments.privmsgs_id',                ''),
 396                  array('topic_id',                0,                                        ''),
 397                  array('in_message',                1,                                        ''),
 398                  array('is_orphan',                0,                                        ''),
 399                  array('poster_id',                'attachments.user_id_1 AS poster_id',    'phpbb_user_id'),
 400                  array('physical_filename',        'attachments_desc.physical_filename',    'import_attachment'),
 401                  array('real_filename',            'attachments_desc.real_filename',        ''),
 402                  array('download_count',            'attachments_desc.download_count',        ''),
 403                  array('attach_comment',            'attachments_desc.comment',                array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function2' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 404                  array('extension',                'attachments_desc.extension',            ''),
 405                  array('mimetype',                'attachments_desc.mimetype',            ''),
 406                  array('filesize',                'attachments_desc.filesize',            ''),
 407                  array('filetime',                'attachments_desc.filetime',            ''),
 408                  array('thumbnail',                'attachments_desc.thumbnail',            ''),
 410                  'where'            => 'attachments_desc.attach_id = attachments.attach_id AND attachments.post_id = 0',
 411                  'group_by'        => 'attachments.attach_id'
 412              ),
 414              array(
 415                  'target'        => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? EXTENSIONS_TABLE : '',
 416                  'query_first'    => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . EXTENSIONS_TABLE) : '',
 417                  'autoincrement'    => 'extension_id',
 419                  array('extension_id',            'extensions.ext_id',                ''),
 420                  array('group_id',                'extensions.group_id',                ''),
 421                  array('extension',                'extensions.extension',                ''),
 422              ),
 424              array(
 425                  'target'        => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? EXTENSION_GROUPS_TABLE : '',
 426                  'query_first'    => (defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . EXTENSION_GROUPS_TABLE) : '',
 427                  'autoincrement'    => 'group_id',
 429                  array('group_id',                'extension_groups.group_id',            ''),
 430                  array('group_name',                'extension_groups.group_name',            array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function2' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 431                  array('cat_id',                    'extension_groups.cat_id',                'phpbb_attachment_category'),
 432                  array('allow_group',            'extension_groups.allow_group',            ''),
 433                  array('download_mode',            1,                                        ''),
 434                  array('upload_icon',            '',                                        ''),
 435                  array('max_filesize',            'extension_groups.max_filesize',        ''),
 436                  array('allowed_forums',            'extension_groups.forum_permissions',    'phpbb_attachment_forum_perms'),
 437                  array('allow_in_pm',            1,                                        ''),
 438              ),
 440              array(
 441                  'target'        => BANLIST_TABLE,
 442                  'execute_first'    => 'phpbb_check_username_collisions();',
 443                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . BANLIST_TABLE),
 445                  array('ban_ip',                    'banlist.ban_ip',                    'decode_ban_ip'),
 446                  array('ban_userid',                'banlist.ban_userid',                'phpbb_user_id'),
 447                  array('ban_email',                'banlist.ban_email',                ''),
 448                  array('ban_reason',                '',                                    ''),
 449                  array('ban_give_reason',        '',                                    ''),
 451                  'where'            => "banlist.ban_ip NOT LIKE '%.%'",
 452              ),
 454              array(
 455                  'target'        => BANLIST_TABLE,
 457                  array('ban_ip',                    'banlist.ban_ip',    ''),
 458                  array('ban_userid',                0,                    ''),
 459                  array('ban_email',                '',                    ''),
 460                  array('ban_reason',                '',                    ''),
 461                  array('ban_give_reason',        '',                    ''),
 463                  'where'            => "banlist.ban_ip LIKE '%.%'",
 464              ),
 466              array(
 467                  'target'        => DISALLOW_TABLE,
 468                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . DISALLOW_TABLE),
 470                  array('disallow_username',        'disallow.disallow_username',                'phpbb_disallowed_username'),
 471              ),
 473              array(
 474                  'target'        => RANKS_TABLE,
 475                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . RANKS_TABLE),
 476                  'autoincrement'    => 'rank_id',
 478                  array('rank_id',                    'ranks.rank_id',                ''),
 479                  array('rank_title',                    'ranks.rank_title',                array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_default_encoding', 'function2' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 480                  array('rank_min',                    'ranks.rank_min',                array('typecast' => 'int', 'execute' => '{RESULT} = ({VALUE}[0] < 0) ? 0 : {VALUE}[0];')),
 481                  array('rank_special',                'ranks.rank_special',            ''),
 482                  array('rank_image',                    'ranks.rank_image',                'import_rank'),
 483              ),
 485              array(
 486                  'target'        => TOPICS_TABLE,
 487                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . TOPICS_TABLE),
 488                  'primary'        => 'topics.topic_id',
 489                  'autoincrement'    => 'topic_id',
 491                  array('topic_id',                'topics.topic_id',                    ''),
 492                  array('forum_id',                'topics.forum_id',                    ''),
 493                  array('icon_id',                0,                                    ''),
 494                  array('topic_poster',            'topics.topic_poster AS poster_id',    'phpbb_user_id'),
 495                  array('topic_attachment',        ((defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? 'topics.topic_attachment' : 0), ''),
 496                  array('topic_title',            'topics.topic_title',                'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 497                  array('topic_time',                'topics.topic_time',                ''),
 498                  array('topic_views',            'topics.topic_views',                ''),
 499                  array('topic_replies',            'topics.topic_replies',                ''),
 500                  array('topic_replies_real',        'topics.topic_replies',                ''),
 501                  array('topic_last_post_id',        'topics.topic_last_post_id',        ''),
 502                  array('topic_status',            'topics.topic_status',                'is_topic_locked'),
 503                  array('topic_moved_id',            0,                                    ''),
 504                  array('topic_type',                'topics.topic_type',                'phpbb_convert_topic_type'),
 505                  array('topic_first_post_id',    'topics.topic_first_post_id',        ''),
 506                  array('topic_last_view_time',    'posts.post_time',                    'intval'),
 507                  array('poll_title',                'vote_desc.vote_text',                array('function1' => 'null_to_str', 'function2' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function3' => 'htmlspecialchars_decode', 'function4' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 508                  array('poll_start',                'vote_desc.vote_start',                'null_to_zero'),
 509                  array('poll_length',            'vote_desc.vote_length',            'null_to_zero'),
 510                  array('poll_max_options',        1,                                    ''),
 511                  array('poll_vote_change',        0,                                    ''),
 513                  'left_join'        =>    array (    'topics LEFT JOIN vote_desc ON topics.topic_id = vote_desc.topic_id AND topics.topic_vote = 1',
 514                                              'topics LEFT JOIN posts ON topics.topic_last_post_id = posts.post_id',
 515                                      ),
 516                  'where'            => 'topics.topic_moved_id = 0',
 517              ),
 519              array(
 520                  'target'        => TOPICS_TABLE,
 521                  'primary'        => 'topics.topic_id',
 522                  'autoincrement'    => 'topic_id',
 524                  array('topic_id',                'topics.topic_id',                    ''),
 525                  array('forum_id',                'topics.forum_id',                    ''),
 526                  array('icon_id',                0,                                    ''),
 527                  array('topic_poster',            'topics.topic_poster AS poster_id',    'phpbb_user_id'),
 528                  array('topic_attachment',        ((defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? 'topics.topic_attachment' : 0), ''),
 529                  array('topic_title',            'topics.topic_title',                'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 530                  array('topic_time',                'topics.topic_time',                ''),
 531                  array('topic_views',            'topics.topic_views',                ''),
 532                  array('topic_replies',            'topics.topic_replies',                ''),
 533                  array('topic_replies_real',        'topics.topic_replies',                ''),
 534                  array('topic_last_post_id',        'topics.topic_last_post_id',        ''),
 535                  array('topic_status',            ITEM_MOVED,                            ''),
 536                  array('topic_moved_id',            'topics.topic_moved_id',            ''),
 537                  array('topic_type',                'topics.topic_type',                'phpbb_convert_topic_type'),
 538                  array('topic_first_post_id',    'topics.topic_first_post_id',        ''),
 540                  array('poll_title',                'vote_desc.vote_text',                array('function1' => 'null_to_str', 'function2' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function3' => 'htmlspecialchars_decode', 'function4' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 541                  array('poll_start',                'vote_desc.vote_start',                'null_to_zero'),
 542                  array('poll_length',            'vote_desc.vote_length',            'null_to_zero'),
 543                  array('poll_max_options',        1,                                    ''),
 544                  array('poll_vote_change',        0,                                    ''),
 546                  'left_join'        => 'topics LEFT JOIN vote_desc ON topics.topic_id = vote_desc.topic_id AND topics.topic_vote = 1',
 547                  'where'            => 'topics.topic_moved_id <> 0',
 548              ),
 550              array(
 551                  'target'        => TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE,
 552                  'primary'        => 'topics_watch.topic_id',
 553                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE),
 555                  array('topic_id',                'topics_watch.topic_id',            ''),
 556                  array('user_id',                'topics_watch.user_id',                'phpbb_user_id'),
 557                  array('notify_status',            'topics_watch.notify_status',        ''),
 558              ),
 560              array(
 561                  'target'        => SMILIES_TABLE,
 562                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . SMILIES_TABLE),
 563                  'autoincrement'    => 'smiley_id',
 565                  array('smiley_id',                'smilies.smilies_id',                ''),
 566                  array('code',                    'smilies.code',                        array('function1' => 'phpbb_smilie_html_decode', 'function2' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function3' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 567                  array('emotion',                'smilies.emoticon',                    'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 568                  array('smiley_url',                'smilies.smile_url',                'import_smiley'),
 569                  array('smiley_width',            'smilies.smile_url',                'get_smiley_width'),
 570                  array('smiley_height',            'smilies.smile_url',                'get_smiley_height'),
 571                  array('smiley_order',            'smilies.smilies_id',                ''),
 572                  array('display_on_posting',        'smilies.smilies_id',                'get_smiley_display'),
 574                  'order_by'        => 'smilies.smilies_id ASC',
 575              ),
 577              array(
 578                  'target'        => POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE,
 579                  'primary'        => 'vote_results.vote_option_id',
 580                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE),
 582                  array('poll_option_id',            'vote_results.vote_option_id',        ''),
 583                  array('topic_id',                'vote_desc.topic_id',                ''),
 584                  array('',                        'topics.topic_poster AS poster_id',    'phpbb_user_id'),
 585                  array('poll_option_text',        'vote_results.vote_option_text',    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function2' => 'htmlspecialchars_decode', 'function3' => 'utf8_htmlspecialchars')),
 586                  array('poll_option_total',        'vote_results.vote_result',            ''),
 588                  'where'            => 'vote_results.vote_id = vote_desc.vote_id',
 589                  'left_join'        => 'vote_desc LEFT JOIN topics ON topics.topic_id = vote_desc.topic_id',
 590              ),
 592              array(
 593                  'target'        => POLL_VOTES_TABLE,
 594                  'primary'        => 'vote_desc.topic_id',
 595                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . POLL_VOTES_TABLE),
 597                  array('poll_option_id',            VOTE_CONVERTED,                        ''),
 598                  array('topic_id',                'vote_desc.topic_id',                ''),
 599                  array('vote_user_id',            'vote_voters.vote_user_id',            'phpbb_user_id'),
 600                  array('vote_user_ip',            'vote_voters.vote_user_ip',            'decode_ip'),
 602                  'where'            => 'vote_voters.vote_id = vote_desc.vote_id',
 603              ),
 605              array(
 606                  'target'        => WORDS_TABLE,
 607                  'primary'        => 'words.word_id',
 608                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . WORDS_TABLE),
 609                  'autoincrement'    => 'word_id',
 611                  array('word_id',                'words.word_id',                    ''),
 612                  array('word',                    'words.word',                        'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 613                  array('replacement',            'words.replacement',                'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 614              ),
 616              array(
 617                  'target'        => POSTS_TABLE,
 618                  'primary'        => 'posts.post_id',
 619                  'autoincrement'    => 'post_id',
 620                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . POSTS_TABLE),
 621                  'execute_first'    => '
 622                      $config["max_post_chars"] = 0;
 623                      $config["min_post_chars"] = 0;
 624                      $config["max_quote_depth"] = 0;
 625                  ',
 627                  array('post_id',                'posts.post_id',                    ''),
 628                  array('topic_id',                'posts.topic_id',                    ''),
 629                  array('forum_id',                'posts.forum_id',                    ''),
 630                  array('poster_id',                'posts.poster_id',                    'phpbb_user_id'),
 631                  array('icon_id',                0,                                    ''),
 632                  array('poster_ip',                'posts.poster_ip',                    'decode_ip'),
 633                  array('post_time',                'posts.post_time',                    ''),
 634                  array('enable_bbcode',            'posts.enable_bbcode',                ''),
 635                  array('',                        'posts.enable_html',                ''),
 636                  array('enable_smilies',            'posts.enable_smilies',                ''),
 637                  array('enable_sig',                'posts.enable_sig',                    ''),
 638                  array('enable_magic_url',        1,                                    ''),
 639                  array('post_username',            'posts.post_username',                'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 640                  array('post_subject',            'posts_text.post_subject',            'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 641                  array('post_attachment',        ((defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? 'posts.post_attachment' : 0), ''),
 642                  array('post_edit_time',            'posts.post_edit_time',                array('typecast' => 'int')),
 643                  array('post_edit_count',        'posts.post_edit_count',            ''),
 644                  array('post_edit_reason',        '',                                    ''),
 645                  array('post_edit_user',            '',                                    'phpbb_post_edit_user'),
 647                  array('bbcode_uid',                'posts.post_time',                    'make_uid'),
 648                  array('post_text',                'posts_text.post_text',                'phpbb_prepare_message'),
 649                  array('',                        'posts_text.bbcode_uid AS old_bbcode_uid',            ''),
 650                  array('bbcode_bitfield',        '',                                    'get_bbcode_bitfield'),
 651                  array('post_checksum',            '',                                    ''),
 653                  // Commented out inline search indexing, this takes up a LOT of time. :D
 654                  // @todo We either need to enable this or call the rebuild search functionality post convert
 655  /*                array('',                        '',                                    'search_indexing'),
 656                  array('',                        'posts_text.post_text AS message',    ''),
 657                  array('',                        'posts_text.post_subject AS title',    ''),*/
 659                  'where'            =>    'posts.post_id = posts_text.post_id'
 660              ),
 662              array(
 663                  'target'        => PRIVMSGS_TABLE,
 664                  'primary'        => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',
 665                  'autoincrement'    => 'msg_id',
 666                  'query_first'    => array(
 667                      array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . PRIVMSGS_TABLE),
 668                      array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . PRIVMSGS_RULES_TABLE),
 669                  ),
 671                  'execute_first'    => '
 672                      $config["max_post_chars"] = 0;
 673                      $config["min_post_chars"] = 0;
 674                      $config["max_quote_depth"] = 0;
 675                  ',
 677                  array('msg_id',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',                ''),
 678                  array('root_level',                0,                                    ''),
 679                  array('author_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid AS poster_id',    'phpbb_user_id'),
 680                  array('icon_id',                0,                                    ''),
 681                  array('author_ip',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_ip',                'decode_ip'),
 682                  array('message_time',            'privmsgs.privmsgs_date',            ''),
 683                  array('enable_bbcode',            'privmsgs.privmsgs_enable_bbcode AS enable_bbcode',    ''),
 684                  array('',                        'privmsgs.privmsgs_enable_html AS enable_html',    ''),
 685                  array('enable_smilies',            'privmsgs.privmsgs_enable_smilies AS enable_smilies',    ''),
 686                  array('enable_magic_url',        1,                                    ''),
 687                  array('enable_sig',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_attach_sig',        ''),
 688                  array('message_subject',        'privmsgs.privmsgs_subject',        'phpbb_set_encoding'), // Already specialchared in 2.0.x
 689                  array('message_attachment',        ((defined('MOD_ATTACHMENT')) ? 'privmsgs.privmsgs_attachment' : 0), ''),
 690                  array('message_edit_reason',    '',                                    ''),
 691                  array('message_edit_user',        0,                                    ''),
 692                  array('message_edit_time',        0,                                    ''),
 693                  array('message_edit_count',        0,                                    ''),
 695                  array('bbcode_uid',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_date AS post_time',    'make_uid'),
 696                  array('message_text',            'privmsgs_text.privmsgs_text',            'phpbb_prepare_message'),
 697                  array('',                        'privmsgs_text.privmsgs_bbcode_uid AS old_bbcode_uid',            ''),
 698                  array('bbcode_bitfield',        '',                                        'get_bbcode_bitfield'),
 699                  array('to_address',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_to_userid',            'phpbb_privmsgs_to_userid'),
 700                  array('bcc_address',            '',                                        ''),
 702                  'where'            =>    'privmsgs.privmsgs_id = privmsgs_text.privmsgs_text_id'
 703              ),
 705              array(
 706                  'target'        => PRIVMSGS_FOLDER_TABLE,
 707                  'primary'        => 'users.user_id',
 708                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . PRIVMSGS_FOLDER_TABLE),
 710                  array('user_id',                'users.user_id',                        'phpbb_user_id'),
 711                  array('folder_name',            $user->lang['CONV_SAVED_MESSAGES'],        ''),
 712                  array('pm_count',                0,                                        ''),
 714                  'where'            => 'users.user_id <> -1',
 715              ),
 717              // Inbox
 718              array(
 719                  'target'        => PRIVMSGS_TO_TABLE,
 720                  'primary'        => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',
 721                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . PRIVMSGS_TO_TABLE),
 723                  array('msg_id',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',                    ''),
 724                  array('user_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_to_userid',            'phpbb_user_id'),
 725                  array('author_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 726                  array('pm_deleted',                0,                                        ''),
 727                  array('pm_new',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_new_pm'),
 728                  array('pm_unread',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_unread_pm'),
 729                  array('pm_replied',                0,                                        ''),
 730                  array('pm_marked',                0,                                        ''),
 731                  array('pm_forwarded',            0,                                        ''),
 732                  array('folder_id',                PRIVMSGS_INBOX,                            ''),
 734                  'where'            => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id = privmsgs_text.privmsgs_text_id
 735                                          AND (privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 0 OR privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 1 OR privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 5)',
 736              ),
 738              // Outbox
 739              array(
 740                  'target'        => PRIVMSGS_TO_TABLE,
 741                  'primary'        => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',
 743                  array('msg_id',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',                    ''),
 744                  array('user_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 745                  array('author_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 746                  array('pm_deleted',                0,                                        ''),
 747                  array('pm_new',                    0,                                        ''),
 748                  array('pm_unread',                0,                                        ''),
 749                  array('pm_replied',                0,                                        ''),
 750                  array('pm_marked',                0,                                        ''),
 751                  array('pm_forwarded',            0,                                        ''),
 752                  array('folder_id',                PRIVMSGS_OUTBOX,                        ''),
 754                  'where'            => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id = privmsgs_text.privmsgs_text_id
 755                                          AND (privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 1 OR privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 5)',
 756              ),
 758              // Sentbox
 759              array(
 760                  'target'        => PRIVMSGS_TO_TABLE,
 761                  'primary'        => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',
 763                  array('msg_id',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',                    ''),
 764                  array('user_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 765                  array('author_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 766                  array('pm_deleted',                0,                                        ''),
 767                  array('pm_new',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_new_pm'),
 768                  array('pm_unread',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_unread_pm'),
 769                  array('pm_replied',                0,                                        ''),
 770                  array('pm_marked',                0,                                        ''),
 771                  array('pm_forwarded',            0,                                        ''),
 772                  array('folder_id',                PRIVMSGS_SENTBOX,                        ''),
 774                  'where'            => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id = privmsgs_text.privmsgs_text_id
 775                                          AND privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 2',
 776              ),
 778              // Savebox (SAVED IN)
 779              array(
 780                  'target'        => PRIVMSGS_TO_TABLE,
 781                  'primary'        => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',
 783                  array('msg_id',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',                    ''),
 784                  array('user_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_to_userid',            'phpbb_user_id'),
 785                  array('author_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 786                  array('pm_deleted',                0,                                        ''),
 787                  array('pm_new',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_new_pm'),
 788                  array('pm_unread',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_unread_pm'),
 789                  array('pm_replied',                0,                                        ''),
 790                  array('pm_marked',                0,                                        ''),
 791                  array('pm_forwarded',            0,                                        ''),
 792                  array('folder_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_to_userid',            'phpbb_get_savebox_id'),
 794                  'where'            => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id = privmsgs_text.privmsgs_text_id
 795                                          AND privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 3',
 796              ),
 798              // Savebox (SAVED OUT)
 799              array(
 800                  'target'        => PRIVMSGS_TO_TABLE,
 801                  'primary'        => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',
 803                  array('msg_id',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_id',                    ''),
 804                  array('user_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 805                  array('author_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 806                  array('pm_deleted',                0,                                        ''),
 807                  array('pm_new',                    'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_new_pm'),
 808                  array('pm_unread',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_type',                'phpbb_unread_pm'),
 809                  array('pm_replied',                0,                                        ''),
 810                  array('pm_marked',                0,                                        ''),
 811                  array('pm_forwarded',            0,                                        ''),
 812                  array('folder_id',                'privmsgs.privmsgs_from_userid',        'phpbb_get_savebox_id'),
 814                  'where'            => 'privmsgs.privmsgs_id = privmsgs_text.privmsgs_text_id
 815                                          AND privmsgs.privmsgs_type = 4',
 816              ),
 818              array(
 819                  'target'        => GROUPS_TABLE,
 820                  'autoincrement'    => 'group_id',
 821                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . GROUPS_TABLE),
 823                  array('group_id',                'groups.group_id',                    ''),
 824                  array('group_type',                'groups.group_type',                'phpbb_convert_group_type'),
 825                  array('group_display',            0,                                    ''),
 826                  array('group_legend',            0,                                    ''),
 827                  array('group_name',                'groups.group_name',                'phpbb_convert_group_name'), // phpbb_set_encoding called in phpbb_convert_group_name
 828                  array('group_desc',                'groups.group_description',            'phpbb_set_encoding'),
 830                  'where'            => 'groups.group_single_user = 0',
 831              ),
 833              array(
 834                  'target'        => USER_GROUP_TABLE,
 835                  'query_first'    => array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . USER_GROUP_TABLE),
 836                  'execute_first'    => '
 837                      add_default_groups();
 838                  ',
 840                  array('group_id',        'groups.group_id',                    ''),
 841                  array('user_id',        'groups.group_moderator',            'phpbb_user_id'),
 842                  array('group_leader',    1,                                    ''),
 843                  array('user_pending',    0,                                    ''),
 845                  'where'            => 'groups.group_single_user = 0 AND groups.group_moderator <> 0',
 846              ),
 848              array(
 849                  'target'        => USER_GROUP_TABLE,
 851                  array('group_id',        'user_group.group_id',                ''),
 852                  array('user_id',        'user_group.user_id',                'phpbb_user_id'),
 853                  array('group_leader',    0,                                    ''),
 854                  array('user_pending',    'user_group.user_pending',            ''),
 856                  'where'            => 'user_group.group_id = groups.group_id AND groups.group_single_user = 0 AND groups.group_moderator <> user_group.user_id',
 857              ),
 859              array(
 860                  'target'        => USERS_TABLE,
 861                  'primary'        => 'users.user_id',
 862                  'autoincrement'    => 'user_id',
 863                  'query_first'    => array(
 864                      array('target', 'DELETE FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id <> ' . ANONYMOUS),
 865                      array('target', $convert->truncate_statement . BOTS_TABLE)
 866                  ),
 868                  'execute_last'    => '
 869                      remove_invalid_users();
 870                  ',
 872                  array('user_id',                'users.user_id',                    'phpbb_user_id'),
 873                  array('',                        'users.user_id AS poster_id',        'phpbb_user_id'),
 874                  array('user_type',                'users.user_active',                'set_user_type'),
 875                  array('group_id',                'users.user_level',                    'phpbb_set_primary_group'),
 876                  array('user_regdate',            'users.user_regdate',                ''),
 877                  array('username',                'users.username',                    'phpbb_set_default_encoding'), // recode to utf8 with default lang
 878                  array('username_clean',            'users.username',                    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_default_encoding', 'function2' => 'utf8_clean_string')),
 879                  array('user_password',            'users.user_password',                'phpbb_hash'),
 880                  array('user_pass_convert',        1,                                    ''),
 881                  array('user_posts',                'users.user_posts',                    'intval'),
 882                  array('user_email',                'users.user_email',                    'strtolower'),
 883                  array('user_email_hash',        'users.user_email',                    'gen_email_hash'),
 884                  array('user_birthday',            ((defined('MOD_BIRTHDAY')) ? 'users.user_birthday' : ''),    'phpbb_get_birthday'),
 885                  array('user_lastvisit',            'users.user_lastvisit',                'intval'),
 886                  array('user_lastmark',            'users.user_lastvisit',                'intval'),
 887                  array('user_lang',                $config['default_lang'],            ''),
 888                  array('',                        'users.user_lang',                    ''),
 889                  array('user_timezone',            'users.user_timezone',                'floatval'),
 890                  array('user_dateformat',        'users.user_dateformat',            array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding', 'function2' => 'fill_dateformat')),
 891                  array('user_inactive_reason',    '',                                    'phpbb_inactive_reason'),
 892                  array('user_inactive_time',        '',                                    'phpbb_inactive_time'),
 894                  array('user_interests',            'users.user_interests',                array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
 895                  array('user_occ',                'users.user_occ',                    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
 896                  array('user_website',            'users.user_website',                'validate_website'),
 897                  array('user_jabber',            '',                                    ''),
 898                  array('user_msnm',                'users.user_msnm',                    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
 899                  array('user_yim',                'users.user_yim',                    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
 900                  array('user_aim',                'users.user_aim',                    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
 901                  array('user_icq',                'users.user_icq',                    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
 902                  array('user_from',                'users.user_from',                    array('function1' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')),
 903                  array('user_rank',                'users.user_rank',                    'intval'),
 904                  array('user_permissions',        '',                                    ''),
 906                  array('user_avatar',            'users.user_avatar',                'phpbb_import_avatar'),
 907                  array('user_avatar_type',        'users.user_avatar_type',            'phpbb_avatar_type'),
 908                  array('user_avatar_width',        'users.user_avatar',                'phpbb_get_avatar_width'),
 909                  array('user_avatar_height',        'users.user_avatar',                'phpbb_get_avatar_height'),
 911                  array('user_new_privmsg',        'users.user_new_privmsg',            ''),
 912                  array('user_unread_privmsg',    0,                                    ''), //'users.user_unread_privmsg'
 913                  array('user_last_privmsg',        'users.user_last_privmsg',            'intval'),
 914                  array('user_emailtime',            'users.user_emailtime',                'null_to_zero'),
 915                  array('user_notify',            'users.user_notify',                'intval'),
 916                  array('user_notify_pm',            'users.user_notify_pm',                'intval'),
 917                  array('user_notify_type',        NOTIFY_EMAIL,                        ''),
 918                  array('user_allow_pm',            'users.user_allow_pm',                'intval'),
 919                  array('user_allow_viewonline',    'users.user_allow_viewonline',        'intval'),
 920                  array('user_allow_viewemail',    'users.user_viewemail',                'intval'),
 921                  array('user_actkey',            'users.user_actkey',                ''),
 922                  array('user_newpasswd',            '',                                    ''), // Users need to re-request their password...
 923                  array('user_style',                $config['default_style'],            ''),
 925                  array('user_options',            '',                                    'set_user_options'),
 926                  array('',                        'users.user_popup_pm AS popuppm',    ''),
 927                  array('',                        'users.user_allowhtml AS html',        ''),
 928                  array('',                        'users.user_allowbbcode AS bbcode',    ''),
 929                  array('',                        'users.user_allowsmile AS smile',    ''),
 930                  array('',                        'users.user_attachsig AS attachsig',''),
 932                  array('user_sig_bbcode_uid',        'users.user_regdate',                            'make_uid'),
 933                  array('user_sig',                    'users.user_sig',                                'phpbb_prepare_message'),
 934                  array('',                            'users.user_sig_bbcode_uid AS old_bbcode_uid',    ''),
 935                  array('user_sig_bbcode_bitfield',    '',                                                'get_bbcode_bitfield'),
 936                  array('',                            'users.user_regdate AS post_time',                ''),
 938                  'where'            => 'users.user_id <> -1',
 939              ),
 940          ),
 941      );
 942  }
 944  ?>

Generated: Wed Oct 2 15:03:47 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1